Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Smoked salmon carpaccio

 Smoked salmon carpaccio

Make your own cream of horseradish if you'll , otherwise buy the simplest you'll find for a stronger flavor.


50g radish, finely sliced

2 tablespoons wine vinegar

1 tablespoon thick radish

100g light topping

400g salmon , dig long pieces

100g ripe beets, finely sliced

2 oranges, peeled and split

2 candied lemons, finely diced

a handful of peanut shoots

Drizzle extra virgin vegetable oil , to serve



Start by soaking a couple of radish slices by placing them during a small bowl of vinegar for a minimum of half-hour . Meanwhile, mix the radishes with topping during a small bowl and season with salt.


Arrange 100g of long salmon slices on 4 neat rectangular plates. Place 3 beets on top of the salmon in several places. Also arrange about 6 slices of marinated radish round the salmon. Add some citrus knots and a few of the candied lemon.


Next, shape the radish into quenelle, using 2 teaspoons to scoop out and roll it up. Put 3 dumplings on each plate. Finally, sprinkle with peanut shoots and sprinkle a touch oil before serving.