Thursday, February 18, 2021

Lemon Ricotta Polenta Cake

 Lemon Ricotta Polenta Cake

Delicious summer cake made with polenta and ricotta, decorated with fresh cherries ... so good that i do not want to share;)


For stuffing / topping:

17 ounces (500g) of fresh cherries, wash and take away seeds

6 tbsp water

2 tbsp. juice

1/2 teaspoon vanilla (optional)

1/3 cup (70 g) sugar

2 tbsp. (15g) cornstarch

For the cake:

16.9 fl. Ounce ounce (500 ml) of water

1 cup (240 ml) milk

1/4 cup (60 g) butter

1 1/4 cups (200 g) polenta

1/4 cup (50g) semolina

1 cup (200 g) sugar

1 cup (250 g) ricotta cheese

4 large eggs


organic lemon rind

confectionery sugar for dusting (optional)


1. Wash, dry and discard the cherries. attempt to keep all juices. during a medium saucepan, combine water, juice , and vanilla . Add sugar and cornstarch, stir until there are not any more lumps. Heat the mixture and as soon because it starts to thicken, add the stirred cherries and simmer over low heat (stirring occasionally) for five to eight minutes - the cherries should be soft but not soft and therefore the liquid should thicken. Chill.

2. Preheat oven to 375 ° F (190 ° C). Grease and line an 8 inch (22 cm) baking pan and put aside . Add water, milk and butter to an outsized saucepan and convey to a boil. Add polenta and semolina, stir. Let it simmer 1 to 2 minutes until it thickens. Remove from fire. In another bowl, combine the sugar, ricotta, egg, limoncello, and lemon peel until combined. Add the polenta mixture to the pan gradually and stir until well blended. Pour the mixture into the prepared baking sheet and smooth the highest . Add some cherries on top and press into the dough a touch - save the remainder for later. Bake for 38-40 minutes - the tops should be golden. Remove from oven and funky on a rack.

3. Remove the cake from the pan and place on a serving plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired. Stir within the cherry filling - if it's too dry, add a touch predicament and blend thoroughly. Decorate the cake with cherries and serve.