Friday, July 9, 2021

korean spicy garlic eggplant

 korean spicy garlic eggplant

This is absolutely one of my favorite ways to eat eggplant! Very tasty, excellent with hot rice. You'll make it sweet, if you omit the gochugaru, red chili flakes to your liking!


1 pound Korean eggplant

2 to three garlic cloves, chopped

1 to 2 green onions, chopped

2 tablespoons soy

1 tablespoon agave nectar, honey or sugar (reduce to taste)

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1 to 2 teaspoons gochugaru, red pepper flakes

2 teaspoons sesame seeds

a pinch of black pepper


1.Remove the lid from the eggplant. Cut eggplant 3 inches long, then cut in half lengthwise.

2.Bring water to a boil during a pan or steamer. Carefully place the steamer and place the eggplant, skin side down. Cover, steam for 3 to five minutes. When finished cooking, remove the steamer from the warmth and open the lid. Let it cool for five minutes.

3.Combine garlic, green onions, soy sauce, agave nectar, vegetable oil, gochugaru, sesame seeds and black pepper in a bowl.

4.Gently tear the eggplant in half or three, counting on the dimensions of the eggplant. increase the sauce mixture and stir gently together with your hands. Garnish with sesame seeds and serve with hot rice and other Korean side dishes if desired. Enjoy!