Monday, April 12, 2021

Tandoori Chicken Burgers

 Tandoori Chicken Burgers

Tandoori Chicken Burger - Tandoori chicken burger served on naan with mint yogurt sauce and sprinkled with cucumber, coriander and shallots. It's delicious and attractive .


1 1/2 pounds chopped pigeon breast

4 spring onions

3 tablespoons grated fresh ginger

2 tablespoons of juice

1 tablespoon paprika

2 teaspoons cumin

1/2 teaspoon powdered cardamom

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

salt and pepper to taste

Naan bread



thinly sliced shallots

To make yogurt sauce:

1 small container of nonfat nonfat Greek yogurt

1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint leaves

2 teaspoons cumin

1 tablespoon fresh juice

salt and pepper


1.Put the chicken and every one the spices during a bowl and blend well. Form 4 buns.

2.Combine the yogurt sauce during a small bowl. Set aside.

3.Slice cucumber, shallot and coriander.

4.Cook the tandoori chicken burgers on a preheated grill on medium-medium-high grill. About 3 minutes on all sides . Throw the Naan bread on the grill for the previous couple of minutes.

5.Top the burger with a couple of cucumber slices, shallots, and a couple of cilantro.

6.Add the sauce to the yogurt and voila, the simplest and freshest burger ever.