Tuesday, December 29, 2020



Everyone needs a good Chicken Curry Salad recipe in their directory. This one is my favorite !, This Chicken Curry Salad is fluffy and tender. The delightful taste comes from the combination of warm curry spices mixed with sharp lime juice and sweet fruit chutney.



1/4 cup mayonnaise 

1/4 cup plain yogurt

1 teaspoon juice

1/2 teaspoon honey 

1 teaspoon flavorer

1/4 teaspoon salt

fresh pepper 


2.5 cups cooked minced chicken 

Pinch of salt and pepper

2 celery sticks 

3 whole green onions 

1/2 cup almond slices 

1/2 cup raisins 


1.Prepare the vinaigrette by mixing mayonnaise, yogurt, juice , honey, flavorer , salt and pepper during a small bowl. Taste the vinaigrette and adjust the flavorer or salt if necessary.

2.Season each side of the pigeon breast with a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook the chicken breasts on a table grill or during a skillet until cooked. Let the cooked pigeon breast cool while you prepare another salad.

3.Cut the celery into small cubes and slice the green onions. Place the chives, celery, chopped almonds and raisins during a large bowl.

4.Cut the chicken into small cubes and place within the bowl crammed with the celery, onions, almonds and raisins. Stir to combine . Pour the sauce on top and stir until coated.